Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Miss Brill

1) Describe the narration used in "Miss Brill"
Miss Brill has a lot of narration going on throughout the story. There is retrospective narration because it takes place in the past. There is limited narration because it is not stating that Miss Brill is not "normal". There is also unreliable narration because the narrator doesn't help the reader fully understand the story.

2) How reliable is the narration in "Miss Brill"? What are some clues that the actual events in the story are somewhat different than the narrator's version?
I personally dont think the narration is that reliable because some things in the story are left out. Clues to show that the actual events in the story are different than the narrator's version are that some things do not make sense or things mentioned wouldn't happen in real life.

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