Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Destructors

1) Which character is the most dynamic? static?
I think that Trevor is more dynamic and Blackie is most static. I think this because Trevor starts off jusr as one of the other group members and he manages to make himself a leader. He goes from being a follower of Blackie to being independant. I think that Blackie is most static because his character doesnt change. In a way he still somewhat remains one of the leaders by giving Trevor the opportunity to make himself seem responsible of making decisions.

2) What elements of Trevor's characterization make him well suited to lead the gang on the August Bank holiday weekend?
Some elements of Trevors character that make him suited for being the leader are that he is very determined and is the one who comes up with the ideas to destroy Old Misery's house and he is very picky about what should be done to the house to make it perfectly destructed.

3) Discuss the ways in which the author manages to cloud morality within the story.
The author manages to cloud the morality in the story by...

4) Explain why you think the story is called "The Destructors" rather than "The Destroyers."
I think the story is called "The Destructors" rather than "The Destroyers" because it gives the reader something to visualize and helps the reader understand the story better.

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