Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Sorry that it took sooo long, I will post The horses of the night and the stone angel questions later tonight

The Shining Houses

1) Explain what type of narration is used in this story.
There is retrospective narration used in this story.

2) How is "The Shining Houses" structured? Why do you suppose Munro structured the narrative this way?
"The Shining Houses" is structured to give you some information about Mrs. Fullertons story as well as the neighbourhoods story about not wanting Mrs. Fullerton to live there. The story is structured this way to make you feel bad for Mrs. Fullerton.

3) Discuss irony in the story with respect to the title.
The irony in the story with respect to the title is the fact that the shining houses sounds cheerful but neither the houses or the people living in them are "shinny".

4) What distinction does the story highlight in terms of the difference between legal and moral?
The story highlights that the house was not really something that was going to benefit the neighbourhood and the neighbours were going by it legally, but were not going with the morals on the fact that they didn't take into consideration of how Mrs. Fullerton felt.

5) Sketch Mary's character. (note: this doesn't mean draw her, rather it means to describe her in terms of the definition above)
Mary is a mother who is caring and gentle. She is very helpful and cares about her community. She is very respectful of people and their feelings and she is kind hearted.

Miss Brill

1) Describe the narration used in "Miss Brill"
Miss Brill has a lot of narration going on throughout the story. There is retrospective narration because it takes place in the past. There is limited narration because it is not stating that Miss Brill is not "normal". There is also unreliable narration because the narrator doesn't help the reader fully understand the story.

2) How reliable is the narration in "Miss Brill"? What are some clues that the actual events in the story are somewhat different than the narrator's version?
I personally dont think the narration is that reliable because some things in the story are left out. Clues to show that the actual events in the story are different than the narrator's version are that some things do not make sense or things mentioned wouldn't happen in real life.

The Destructors

1) Which character is the most dynamic? static?
I think that Trevor is more dynamic and Blackie is most static. I think this because Trevor starts off jusr as one of the other group members and he manages to make himself a leader. He goes from being a follower of Blackie to being independant. I think that Blackie is most static because his character doesnt change. In a way he still somewhat remains one of the leaders by giving Trevor the opportunity to make himself seem responsible of making decisions.

2) What elements of Trevor's characterization make him well suited to lead the gang on the August Bank holiday weekend?
Some elements of Trevors character that make him suited for being the leader are that he is very determined and is the one who comes up with the ideas to destroy Old Misery's house and he is very picky about what should be done to the house to make it perfectly destructed.

3) Discuss the ways in which the author manages to cloud morality within the story.
The author manages to cloud the morality in the story by...

4) Explain why you think the story is called "The Destructors" rather than "The Destroyers."
I think the story is called "The Destructors" rather than "The Destroyers" because it gives the reader something to visualize and helps the reader understand the story better.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Short story answers

I have all of mine written on paper but im going to type them all up and post them on here for you to read and mark so that im not giving you a million pieces of paper. Sorry for being late with them all.